Alejandro has recognized experience in the practice of Corporate Law, with special emphasis on International Business Law. Prior to joining Nicholson y Cano as a Consultant, he has practiced the profession for more than 25 years based in the Province of Mendoza. He has acted on behalf of various foreign clients in matters of FDI in our country. He has been appointed legal representative in Argentina, Director and Trustee of various foreign and national companies. Alejandro has an outstanding teaching career, currently being Full Professor in the Chairs of Private International Law and International Business and Business at the University of Mendoza. He has been a fellow of the International Bar Association, the OAS and the Fundación Universitaria del Río de la Plata and participated in that capacity in the Annual Courses on International Law of the American Juridical Committee and the Academy of International Law of The Hague.
Lawyer. Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the University of Mendoza.
Master of Droit of Economic Integration of the University Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Doctor (C) in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of Mendoza
Member of the Mendoza City Bar Association
Member of the International Bar Association
Member of the University Foundation of the Río de la Plata.
Relevant transactions
He acted in the process of acquisition by the Russian investment funds Aterra Capital and Solway Group, of Compañía Minera San Jorge S.A. controlled by the Canadian Coro Minning, in what has been the most important Russian investment in the country to date.
He advised Grupo De Marchi on its internationalization strategy, leader in Argentina and one of the largest exporters of garlic worldwide.
He represented the Province of Mendoza in its shareholding in Hidroeléctrica Diamante, owned by Pampa Energía.
He successfully represented the Argentine shareholders of Latinoamericana de Aviación S.A. in arbitration proceedings. (LAVIASA) in the corporate conflict with its foreign partners.
He represented the holders of negotiable obligations issued by Medanito S.A. in the restructuring of its commercial debt.
Mercosur Legal and Economic Aspects. Ciudad Argentina editions
“Doing Business in Argentina”, School of Economics, Economic Sciences of Universidad de Mendoza (2015)
Actual position
- Consultant
- San Martín 140, Pisos 2º, 5º, 6º, 14º y 22º (C1004AAD)
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Tel.: (54 11) 4872 1600
- Fax: (54 11) 4872 1774