Nicholson y Cano

Marcelo Villegas

Información de Contacto

Area de Práctica

  • Banking
  • Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance
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Posición Actual

  • Nicholson y Cano Abogados
  • Socio


  • San Martín 140, Pisos 2º, 5º, 6º, 14º y 22º (C1004AAD)
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Tel.: (54 11) 5167 1000
  • Fax: (54 11) 5167 1000

Born in San Luis, Argentina on February 5, 1964; admitted in 1987.


  • Degree in Law and Economy from the Buenos Aires University, Law School and Economics School. Master in Finance from UCEMA (Argentine University of Macroeconomic Studies).


  • International Bar Association, Global Law (Global Banking, Finance, Securities, Investment and Credit Law) Practice Area Group, Vice-President of CEF (Center for Financial Stability).


  • Banking Law at ESEADE, (2003), Capital Markets at UCA (Argentine Catholic University) (2003), Financial Law at San Andrés University (2004) and Corporate Governance at UCEMA (2005). Counselor to the Argentine Ministry of Economy.


  • “Notes” (Buenos Aires, Astrea Ed., 1993), “Crossborder Financing and Access to Equity Funds in Globalizing of Capital Markets” (London, Kluwer Law International Ed., 1996), “Legal Aspects of Corporate Finance” (Madrid, Dykinson Ed, 2001).


  • “40 under 40″, Latin Lawyer Award, July, 2003.


  • Spanish
  • English