Mario joined Nicholson and Cano in January 1998. He primarily advises financial institutions, trustees, mutual fund managers, and capital market agents. He has been involved in more than 1,800 securitization transactions (using the financial trust as the vehicle), advising trustees, trustors, or organizers and placement agents, with a total amount equivalent to approximately USD 9,000, which represents about 60% of the market. Additionally, he provides legal services related to capital increases, share issuances, negotiable obligations, and other tradable securities.
He has been involved in a very large number of transactions related to corporate financing and infrastructure projects. He was responsible for providing legal advice on the first securitization transaction in Argentina (1996) and led Nicholson and Cano to become a leader in this area.
Mario served as an official at the National Securities Commission for several years (1980 to 1987). From July 1987 to March 2022, he was an advisor to the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.
He has drafted regulatory projects that became laws (such as Law 23,576 on Negotiable Obligations and Law 24,083 on Mutual Funds), and collaborated on certain aspects of Law 24,441 on Trusts and Decree 677/01 on Transparency in the Capital Markets.
He is a member of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital. Mario has had an outstanding academic career, serving as a professor at the undergraduate and graduate levels at the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Rosario, the University of the South, the Catholic University of Argentina, San Andrés University, the Catholic University of Córdoba, and Austral University.
He is a lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law (1978).
He is the author of the books “Obligaciones Negociables” (Abeledo-Perrot), “Titulización y Fideicomiso Financiero” (Errepar), “Obligaciones Negociables” (chapter in the Omeba Legal Encyclopedia), “Tratado de Derecho Bancario” (chapter on “Negotiable Obligations”; Rubinzal-Culzoni), as well as articles on legal doctrine and commentary in specialized publications and newspapers.
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