Nicholson y Cano

Lucas Anibal Piaggio



Practice Areas

(54 11) 4872 1728




Entered Nicholson y Cano in April 1998, currently partner in charge of the Administrative Law area. Extensive experience in Public Law, especially in administrative, constitutional and constitutional procedural. Serves as advisor and represents business associations, banks and utility companies and regulated sectors, in Administrative, Constitutional and Economic Regulation Law matters, administrative procedures and lawsuits, and public biddings and contracting.

Education and Recognitions


Lawyer, School of Law and Political Sciences, “Santa María de los Buenos Aires” Argentine Catholic University. Honours Degree (1998).

Specialization Course in Administrative Economic Law, School of Law and Political Sciences, “Santa María de los Buenos Aires” Argentine Catholic University.

Ph. D in Legal Sciences, School of Law and Political Sciences, “Santa María de los Buenos Aires” Argentine Catholic University” (Ph. D thesis pending submission).

Professor Training Course “Teaching at University. Analysis of practices and understanding.

Strategies for higher quality intervention”, School of Law and Political Sciences, “Santa María de los Buenos Aires” Argentine Catholic University (2002).

Recognitions and Memberships

Incentive Scholarship granted by the School of Law and Political Sciences of the Argentine Catholic University for having completed in March 1997 the studies of 4th year of the Curriculum with the highest grade point average among his class mates (9.86). Concurrently, achieved the highest grade point average among all the students of the School (1997).

Award Dr. Faustino J. Legón granted by the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Argentine Catholic University and “Editorial El Derecho”, for having reached the highest grade point average in his class (9.86) in the following subjects of the Law Curriculum: Political Science, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Public International Law, Canon Law and Philosophy of Law (1999).

Honors Degree granted by the School of Law and Political Sciences of the Argentine Catholic University and “Editorial El Derecho”, for having achieved a grade point average of (9.26) higher than 8.00, with no failure in none of the 31 subjects of the curriculum and with no delay in any subject of each course (1999)

Scholarship granted by the Argentine Catholic University to attend the Specialization Course in Administrative Economic Law at the School of Law and Political Sciences of this University (2000).

Winner of the XII Edition of the Legal Papers Contests for Young Lawyers organized by Federación Latinoamericana de Bancos (FELABAN), for his paper called “Banking as Utility: an unnatural legal fiction”, presented in the framework of the “XXIX Latin American Congress of Financial Law – COLADE”, held in La Romana, Dominican Republic, October 17- 20, 2010

Winner of the VII Edition of the Legal Papers Contest for Senior Lawyers organized by Federación Latinoamericana de Bancos (FELABAN), for his paper called “Judicial control of Control of administrative penalties imposed in money laundering and terrorism financing prevention”, presented in the framework of the “XXXIV Latin American Congress of Financial Law – COLADE”, developed in city of Panama, Republic of Panama, August 12-14, 2015

Academic and Professional Experience

Argentine Catholic University

In 1997 was part of the Civil Law Committee of the Students Union of the School of Law.

In 2000 and 2001 was Certified Assistant and Professor Assigned to the university chair of Administrative Law, under the charge of Dr. Rodolfo C. Barra.

In 2002 and 2007 was Professor assigned to the university chair of Administrative Law, under the charge of Dr. Eduardo Mertehikian.

In 2007 and 2009 was Assistant Professor to the university chair of Administrative Law, under the charge of Dr. Eduardo Mertehikian.

In 2009 was Assistant Professor of Administrative Law, under the charge of Dr. Eduardo Mertehikian.

Since 2009, Professor of “Financial Management” in the Economics of Administrative Law Specialization Course of the Graduate and University Extension Division.

Since 2010, Assistant Professor of “Institutions of Administrative Law” and “Administrative Law: Special Part” under the charge of Dr. Eduardo Mertehikian.

Since 2012, Interim Professor of “Institutions of Administrative Law” and “Administrative Law – Special Part.”

Since 2014, Professor of “Professional Practice” in the Economics of Administrative Law Specialization Course of the Graduate and University Extension Division.

Since 2014, Professor of “Administrative Intervention” in the Institutions of Administrative Law graduate course of the Graduate and University Extension Division.

University of the Argentine National Museum

Between 2001 and 2005, Chief of Practical Works in the Administrative Law and Deep Administrative Law courses under the charge of Dr. Guillermo Fanelli Evans.

Between 2006 and 2008, Assistant Professor of the Administrative Law I course, under the charge of Guillermo Fanelli Evans and Guillermo Rossi.

Torcuato Di Tella University

Between 2010 and 2011, Chaired Professor of “Institutions of Economic Law” in the Master in Public Policies of the School of Government of UTDT.

Since 2012, Chaired Professor of “Administrative Law” in the Master in Public Policies of the School of Government of UTDT.

Austral University

In 2013, Visiting Professor of “Administrative Agreements” in the Master in Business Law, of the School of Law.

School of Lawyers Association of the State (State Attorney of the Treasury of the Nation)

Since 2013, Assistant Professor of “Legal Regulations Governing State Contracts” in the Specialization Course of State Contracts, and “Administrative Agreements” in the State Legal Counsel Specialization.

In 2014, Assistant Professor of “State Responsibility” in the State Legal Counsel Specialization

Since 2014, Chaired Professor of the “Integration Seminar” corresponding to the State Legal Counsel Specialization.

Régimen de la Administración Pública Magazine

Since 2001, editorial assistant of the Régimen de la Administración Pública (RAP) magazine.

In 2012, part of the EPOCA-RAP Research Team that wrote “Public Law Reflections on the Civil and Commercial Code. Preliminary Title” (Dromi, Roberto and Mertehikian, Eduardo -Directors-, Ciudad Argentina, Hispania Libros, Rap Editors -Coedition, Buenos Aires – Madrid – México, 2012)

Relevant Experience

In 2010 and 2012 assisted the Commission of Jurists created under Act No. 24,967 to prepare the Argentine Legal Digest, in the Administrative Law Acts chapter.

Consultant for HSBC Bank Argentina S.A. regarding the re-hiring of Directors in the lawsuit filed by the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina, including Resolution 259/15 of the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina according to which the authorization granted to certain Directors to act as such was cancelled.

Legal counsel to institutional investors (i.e. private pension funds, life and retirement insurance companies, etc.) in the restructuring of public debt of the Provinces of Chaco, Formosa, Santiago del Estero and San Juan, among others.

Counsel for several clients in complex lawsuits, including before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

Obtained favorable judgment in three judicial instances (including the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation) in the case “Maxima AFJP S.A. v. EN – Executive Order 863/98 – Act 25.345, et al, Awareness Process” (Case No. 23,416/06), filed against the National State so as to declare Executive Order No. 863/98 unconstitutional, and the recovery of rates paid under such order.

Obtained favorable judgment in three instances (including the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation) in the case “Impsat S.A. v. the Government of the City of Buenos Aires – Act 19,798, summary proceedings” (Case number 4478/04) to declare the unconstitutionality, illegality and inapplicability of the regulations adopted by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires which taxed the use and occupation of subsoil against what is established by section 39 of the Federal Telecommunications Act No. 19,798.


Last Publications

“The Proposal Covers Legal Gaps and Demolishes Myths and Taboos on Restructuring,” La Nación, September 10, 2014, page 6.

“A Positive Sign that is not Enough,” Puntal (Río Cuarto), September 23, 2014, page 10.
“Economics Publication,” Puntal (Río Cuarto), 30.09.14, page 10.

“New Regulation on the Relationships between Production and Consumption: Towards the Publication of the Whole Economic Sector,” Anales de Legislación Argentina Magazine, Thomson Reuters, La Ley, November 2014, page 3.

“Surviving Declaration of Unconstitutionality, by Operation of Law and with Erga Omnes Effects in an Original Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation,” Abeledo Perrot, Labor Law and Social Security Magazine, Number 4, page 406 and following ones, February 2015, RDLSS 2015-4-406, Abeledo Perrot Number: AP/DOC/1651/2014

“Bailout of Stock Held by ANSES,” El Cronista Comercial, October 7, 2015, page 14.

“The New Code does not Fight Against Holdouts,” El Cronista Comercial, November 13, 2015, page 15, co-author with Anibal N. Piaggio.

“The lack of Laws Regulation as Grounds for Surviving Unconstitutionality,” Abeledo Perrot, Labor Law and Social Security Magazine, Number 23, page 2444 and following ones, December 2015, RDLSS 2015-23-2444, Abeledo Perrot Number: AP/DOC/983/2015

“The RUFO Clause and the Viability of New Trials after the Agreement with Holdouts,” La Ley, March 21, 2016, pages 1-4, AR/DOC/843/2016, Newsletter Number 2734 (Year 12)

“Act 27181 that Protects the Shares held by Anses: Self-Limitation Without Constitutional Effectiveness,” Abeledo Perrot, Labor Law and Social Security Magazine, Abeledo Perrot AP/DOC/140/2016.